About Us

At VELO-PRO, we're all about helping you get the most out of your track cycling experience.

We know how much you love it -- and we also know that it can be very expensive to start out. That's why we've created a range of high-quality track cycling equipment at affordable prices so that everyone can enjoy the sport they love!

VELO-PRO is a company that specializes in providing professional top-of-the-range track cycling equipment at affordable prices. We believe that all types of customers should be able to access our products, and we've made it our mission to make sure that happens.

We started out as a small business with a single goal: to provide affordable track cycling equipment for everyone. We've been able to grow our company into one that serves a wide range of customers--from beginners who are just getting started with their bike racing careers, to professionals in their fields who need high quality gear but can't afford it on their own.

With years of experience working with professionals in the industry, we understand what kind of gear they need and want. Our products are designed to make sure you get the most out of your time on the track.

And if you're not ready to buy yet? That's okay too! We offer expert advice on how best to get started on your new hobby as well as how best to keep up with maintenance costs over time so that you never have an issue with equipment maintenance again.